Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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1namespace System.Net;
3public enum HttpStatusCode
5 Continue = 100,
7 Processing = 102,
8 EarlyHints = 103,
9 OK = 200,
10 Created = 201,
11 Accepted = 202,
13 NoContent = 204,
14 ResetContent = 205,
15 PartialContent = 206,
16 MultiStatus = 207,
17 AlreadyReported = 208,
18 IMUsed = 226,
19 MultipleChoices = 300,
20 Ambiguous = 300,
21 MovedPermanently = 301,
22 Moved = 301,
23 Found = 302,
24 Redirect = 302,
25 SeeOther = 303,
26 RedirectMethod = 303,
27 NotModified = 304,
28 UseProxy = 305,
29 Unused = 306,
31 RedirectKeepVerb = 307,
33 BadRequest = 400,
34 Unauthorized = 401,
35 PaymentRequired = 402,
36 Forbidden = 403,
37 NotFound = 404,
38 MethodNotAllowed = 405,
39 NotAcceptable = 406,
41 RequestTimeout = 408,
42 Conflict = 409,
43 Gone = 410,
44 LengthRequired = 411,
53 Locked = 423,
54 FailedDependency = 424,
55 UpgradeRequired = 426,
57 TooManyRequests = 429,
61 NotImplemented = 501,
62 BadGateway = 502,
64 GatewayTimeout = 504,
68 LoopDetected = 508,
69 NotExtended = 510,