Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for Interop.BCrypt, including all inherited members.
BCryptAlgPseudoHandle enum name | Interop.BCrypt | |
BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(IntPtr hAlgorithm, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(IntPtr hAlgorithm, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptCreateHash(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, out SafeBCryptHashHandle phHash, IntPtr pbHashObject, int cbHashObject, ReadOnlySpan< byte > secret, int cbSecret, BCryptCreateHashFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptCreateHash(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, out SafeBCryptHashHandle phHash, IntPtr pbHashObject, int cbHashObject, ref byte pbSecret, int cbSecret, BCryptCreateHashFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptCreateHash(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, out Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle phHash, IntPtr pbHashObject, int cbHashObject, ReadOnlySpan< byte > secret, int cbSecret, BCryptCreateHashFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptCreateHash(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, out Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle phHash, IntPtr pbHashObject, int cbHashObject, ref byte pbSecret, int cbSecret, BCryptCreateHashFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptCreateHashFlags enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptCreateHashFlags enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDecrypt(SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, byte[] iv, Span< byte > output) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptDecrypt(SafeKeyHandle hKey, byte *pbInput, int cbInput, IntPtr paddingInfo, [In][Out] byte[] pbIV, int cbIV, byte *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int cbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | |
BCryptDecrypt(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, byte[] iv, Span< byte > output) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptDecrypt(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeKeyHandle hKey, byte *pbInput, int cbInput, IntPtr paddingInfo, [In][Out] byte[] pbIV, int cbIV, byte *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int cbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | |
BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hPrf, byte *pbPassword, int cbPassword, byte *pbSalt, int cbSalt, ulong cIterations, byte *pbDerivedKey, int cbDerivedKey, uint dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDestroyHash(IntPtr hHash) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDestroyHash(IntPtr hHash) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDestroyKey(IntPtr hKey) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDestroyKey(IntPtr hKey) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptDuplicateHash(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptDuplicateHash(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, out SafeBCryptHashHandle phNewHash, IntPtr pbHashObject, int cbHashObject, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptEncrypt(SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, byte[] iv, Span< byte > output) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptEncrypt(SafeKeyHandle hKey, byte *pbInput, int cbInput, IntPtr paddingInfo, [In][Out] byte[] pbIV, int cbIV, byte *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int cbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | |
BCryptEncrypt(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, byte[] iv, Span< byte > output) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptEncrypt(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeKeyHandle hKey, byte *pbInput, int cbInput, IntPtr paddingInfo, [In][Out] byte[] pbIV, int cbIV, byte *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int cbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | |
BCryptExportKey(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, [Out] byte[] pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptFinishHash(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptFinishHash(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptFinishHash(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptFinishHash(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, out SafeBCryptKeyHandle phKey, IntPtr pbKeyObject, int cbKeyObject, byte *pbSecret, int cbSecret, uint dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey(nuint hAlgorithm, out SafeBCryptKeyHandle phKey, IntPtr pbKeyObject, int cbKeyObject, byte *pbSecret, int cbSecret, uint dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGenRandom(IntPtr hAlgorithm, byte *pbBuffer, int cbBuffer, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGenRandom(IntPtr hAlgorithm, byte *pbBuffer, int cbBuffer, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGetProperty(SafeBCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, void *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGetProperty(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, void *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptGetProperty(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, void *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptHash(nuint hAlgorithm, byte *pbSecret, int cbSecret, byte *pbInput, int cbInput, byte *pbOutput, int cbOutput) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptHashData(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptHashData(SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptHashData(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptHashData(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptHashHandle hHash, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptImportKey(SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlg, ReadOnlySpan< byte > key) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptImportKey(SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, out SafeKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr pbKeyObject, int cbKeyObject, byte[] pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptImportKey(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlg, ReadOnlySpan< byte > key) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
BCryptImportKey(Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlgorithm, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, out Internal.NativeCrypto.SafeKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr pbKeyObject, int cbKeyObject, byte[] pbInput, int cbInput, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | private |
BCryptKeyDerivation(SafeBCryptKeyHandle hKey, BCryptBufferDesc *pParameterList, byte *pbDerivedKey, int cbDerivedKey, out uint pcbResult, int dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(out SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle phAlgorithm, string pszAlgId, string pszImplementation, BCryptOpenAlgorithmProviderFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(out Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle phAlgorithm, string pszAlgId, string pszImplementation, BCryptOpenAlgorithmProviderFlags dwFlags) | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptOpenAlgorithmProviderFlags enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
BCryptOpenAlgorithmProviderFlags enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
CngBufferDescriptors enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
CngBufferDescriptors enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
Consume(byte[] blob, ref int offset, int count) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
Consume(byte[] blob, ref int offset, int count) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
Consume(byte[] blob, ref int offset, int count) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
CreateCryptographicException(NTSTATUS ntStatus) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
CreateCryptographicException(NTSTATUS ntStatus) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | |
DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | |
ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
Emit(byte[] blob, ref int offset, byte[] value) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
Emit(byte[] blob, ref int offset, byte[] value) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
EmitBigEndian(byte[] blob, ref int offset, int value) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
EmitBigEndian(byte[] blob, ref int offset, int value) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
EmitByte(byte[] blob, ref int offset, byte value, int count=1) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
EmitByte(byte[] blob, ref int offset, byte value, int count=1) | Interop.BCrypt | inlinepackagestatic |
HASHALGORITHM_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | |
HASHALGORITHM_ENUM enum name | Interop.BCrypt | |
KeyBlobMagicNumber enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
KeyBlobMagicNumber enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
KeyBlobMagicNumber enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
NTSTATUS enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
NTSTATUS enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
NTSTATUS enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
NTSTATUS enum name | Interop.BCrypt | package |
PseudoHandlesSupported | Interop.BCrypt | packagestatic |