Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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3namespace System.Drawing;
5[TypeForwardedFrom("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")]
6public enum KnownColor
8 ActiveBorder = 1,
12 Control,
18 Desktop,
26 Info,
28 Menu,
31 Window,
37 Aqua,
39 Azure,
40 Beige,
41 Bisque,
42 Black,
44 Blue,
46 Brown,
51 Coral,
54 Crimson,
55 Cyan,
66 DarkRed,
75 DimGray,
80 Fuchsia,
83 Gold,
85 Gray,
86 Green,
89 HotPink,
91 Indigo,
92 Ivory,
93 Khaki,
100 LightCyan,
102 LightGray,
104 LightPink,
111 Lime,
112 LimeGreen,
113 Linen,
114 Magenta,
115 Maroon,
126 MintCream,
127 MistyRose,
128 Moccasin,
130 Navy,
131 OldLace,
132 Olive,
133 OliveDrab,
134 Orange,
135 OrangeRed,
136 Orchid,
138 PaleGreen,
142 PeachPuff,
143 Peru,
144 Pink,
145 Plum,
147 Purple,
148 Red,
149 RosyBrown,
150 RoyalBlue,
152 Salmon,
154 SeaGreen,
155 SeaShell,
156 Sienna,
157 Silver,
158 SkyBlue,
159 SlateBlue,
160 SlateGray,
161 Snow,
163 SteelBlue,
164 Tan,
165 Teal,
166 Thistle,
167 Tomato,
168 Turquoise,
169 Violet,
170 Wheat,
171 White,
173 Yellow,
180 MenuBar,