This is the complete list of members for System.IO.FileInfo, including all inherited members.
_data | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | private |
_dataInitialized | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | private |
_linkTarget | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | private |
_linkTargetIsValid | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | private |
_name | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
AppendText() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Attributes | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
CopyTo(string destFileName) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
CopyTo(string destFileName, bool overwrite) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Create() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
System::IO::FileSystemInfo.Create(string fullPath, ref FileSystemEntry findData) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlinepackagestatic |
CreateAsSymbolicLink(string pathToTarget) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inline |
CreateText() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
CreationTime | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
CreationTimeCore | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
CreationTimeUtc | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
Decrypt() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Delete() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Directory | System.IO.FileInfo | |
DirectoryName | System.IO.FileInfo | |
Encrypt() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
EnsureDataInitialized() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlineprivate |
Exists | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
ExistsCore | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
Extension | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
FileInfo(string fileName) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
FileInfo(string originalPath, string fullPath=null, string fileName=null, bool isNormalized=false) | System.IO.FileInfo | inlinepackage |
FileSystemInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlineprotected |
FileSystemInfo() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlineprotected |
FullName | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
FullPath | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | protected |
GetLifetimeService() | System.MarshalByRefObject | inline |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlinevirtual |
Init(Interop.NtDll.FILE_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION *info) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlinepackage |
InitializeLifetimeService() | System.MarshalByRefObject | inlinevirtual |
Invalidate() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlinepackage |
InvalidateCore() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlinepackage |
IsReadOnly | System.IO.FileInfo | |
LastAccessTime | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
LastAccessTimeCore | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
LastAccessTimeUtc | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
LastWriteTime | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
LastWriteTimeCore | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
LastWriteTimeUtc | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
Length | System.IO.FileInfo | |
LengthCore | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
LinkTarget | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
MemberwiseClone(bool cloneIdentity) | System.MarshalByRefObject | inlineprotected |
MoveTo(string destFileName) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
MoveTo(string destFileName, bool overwrite) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Name | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | |
NormalizedPath | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | package |
Open(FileMode mode) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Open(FileMode mode, FileAccess access) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Open(FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Open(FileStreamOptions options) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
OpenRead() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
OpenText() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
OpenWrite() | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
OriginalPath | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | protected |
Refresh() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inline |
RefreshCore() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inlineprivate |
Replace(string destinationFileName, string? destinationBackupFileName) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
Replace(string destinationFileName, string? destinationBackupFileName, bool ignoreMetadataErrors) | System.IO.FileInfo | inline |
ResolveLinkTarget(bool returnFinalTarget) | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inline |
ToString() | System.IO.FileSystemInfo | inline |