Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.ArraySegment< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for System.ArraySegment< T >, including all inherited members.

_arraySystem.ArraySegment< T >private
_countSystem.ArraySegment< T >private
_offsetSystem.ArraySegment< T >private
Add(T item)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IList< T >.Add(object? value)System.Collections.IList< T >
ArraySystem.ArraySegment< T >
ArraySegment(T[] array)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
ArraySegment(T[] array, int offset, int count)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
Clear()System.ArraySegment< T >inline
Contains(T item)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IList< T >.Contains(object? value)System.Collections.IList< T >
CopyTo(T[] destination)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
CopyTo(T[] destination, int destinationIndex)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
CopyTo(ArraySegment< T > destination)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
ICollection< T >.CopyTo(Array array, int index)System.Collections.ICollection< T >
CountSystem.ArraySegment< T >
EmptySystem.ArraySegment< T >static
Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
Equals(ArraySegment< T > obj)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
GetEnumerator()System.ArraySegment< T >inline
GetEnumerator()System.ArraySegment< T >inline
GetEnumerator()System.ArraySegment< T >inline
GetHashCode()System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IndexOf(T item)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IList< T >.IndexOf(object? value)System.Collections.IList< T >
Insert(int index, T item)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IList< T >.Insert(int index, object? value)System.Collections.IList< T >
IsFixedSizeSystem.Collections.IList< T >
IsReadOnlySystem.ArraySegment< T >
IsSynchronizedSystem.Collections.ICollection< T >
OffsetSystem.ArraySegment< T >
operator ArraySegment< T >(T[] array)System.ArraySegment< T >inlinestatic
operator!=(ArraySegment< T > a, ArraySegment< T > b)System.ArraySegment< T >inlinestatic
operator==(ArraySegment< T > a, ArraySegment< T > b)System.ArraySegment< T >inlinestatic
Remove(T item)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
IList< T >.Remove(object? value)System.Collections.IList< T >
RemoveAt(int index)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
Slice(int index)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
Slice(int index, int count)System.ArraySegment< T >inline
SyncRootSystem.Collections.ICollection< T >
this[int index]System.ArraySegment< T >
this[int index]System.ArraySegment< T >
this[int index]System.ArraySegment< T >
ThrowInvalidOperationIfDefault()System.ArraySegment< T >inlineprivate
ToArray()System.ArraySegment< T >inline