Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for System.IO.PathHelper, including all inherited members.
GetFullPathName(ReadOnlySpan< char > path, ref ValueStringBuilder builder) | System.IO.PathHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
Normalize(string path) | System.IO.PathHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
Normalize(ref ValueStringBuilder path) | System.IO.PathHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
PrependDevicePathChars(ref ValueStringBuilder content, bool isDosUnc, ref ValueStringBuilder buffer) | System.IO.PathHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
TryExpandShortFileName(ref ValueStringBuilder outputBuilder, string originalPath) | System.IO.PathHelper | inlinepackagestatic |